Achieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring services
Achieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring servicesAchieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring servicesAchieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring services
Tutoring dedicated to helping 4th-7th grade students
Achieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring services
Achieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring servicesAchieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring servicesAchieve Your Academic Goals with our tutoring services
Tutoring dedicated to helping 4th-7th grade students
Welcome to our Tutoring Service, where learning is fun and effective. This service is focused on kids with learning differences. A recent study showed that a higher index of successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are dyslexic.
We have worked with many students with learning differences especially with students with dyslexia and ADHD from 4th to 7th grade. We primarily focus on students with dyslexia and mild ADHD. Given our founder has dyslexic and worked extensively with dyslexic and mild ADHD students, she created a service that relates to the students using
We have worked with many students with learning differences especially with students with dyslexia and ADHD from 4th to 7th grade. We primarily focus on students with dyslexia and mild ADHD. Given our founder has dyslexic and worked extensively with dyslexic and mild ADHD students, she created a service that relates to the students using a proven methodology to most effectively help these students.
Our goal
How is this service different?
Target students
Our most important goal is to build the confidence and self-advocacy skills of students with learning differences, so that they can get into a classroom and feel they have more control over their education and their needs. Our service pursues this goal by connecting with the students personally and working with them through complex proble
Our most important goal is to build the confidence and self-advocacy skills of students with learning differences, so that they can get into a classroom and feel they have more control over their education and their needs. Our service pursues this goal by connecting with the students personally and working with them through complex problems that could appear in the class and we encourage curiosity and questions; we want students to drive the discussions. We also want to be a mentor for these students, and we want these students to feel understood in the classroom and not shy away from asking questions because they have been labeled as “different”. This confidence begins once the student feels like they have built a good relationship with their teacher so we also work on strategies on how to attend office hours and reach out to teachers early on in their semester to get things started in the right footing.
How is this service different?
How is this service different?
How is this service different?
Our service is much different and more effective than any other tutoring service focused on students with learning differences because our tutors are near-peers of our students, who also have learning differences. Relatability and role modeling is crucial. Our service excels because it deeply understands our students’ needs to succeed. Ou
Our service is much different and more effective than any other tutoring service focused on students with learning differences because our tutors are near-peers of our students, who also have learning differences. Relatability and role modeling is crucial. Our service excels because it deeply understands our students’ needs to succeed. Our founder is a dyslexic student and is now a high school student in one of the top high schools in the country. She understands the challenges of navigating from elementary to high school. We want to help these students with advocacy skills, confidence asking questions, organizing their time, and reaching out to their teachers proactively. Our service focuses on helping students with their homework and helping them gain self-confidence as students who believe in themselves. Students with learning differences need to be taught by a near-peer with a learning difference because students will feel less alone and more empowered. We provide positive role modeling, which we have found to be critical; we want them to know that their difference is ultimately a superpower.
Style of teaching
We understand from reading pedagogy of the oppressed that students are willing to take risks when they are respected. As dyslexic students, we have a feeling that we are less than other students and teachers because we are labeled as different, but the pedagogy we follow in our sessions motivates students to feel confident in asking questions and having a more open discussion in the classroom. We help our students avoid being just listeners in the classroom and become more active. This type of learning is called the dialogic model of education, where open discussion and education between teachers and students is desired. We follow this type of model in our sessions by focusing on the students' questions and needs, so that they can do their work on their own and feel empowered once they get back into the classroom. This model allows the students come up with their own ideas before we tell them the answer or how to approach a problem. If you want to learn more about this type of model read here:
About our founder
Charles Armstrong school
Charles Armstrong school
Charles Armstrong school
From first to fourth grade, I attended the leading school in California for dyslexic students, Charles Armstrong. This school taught me the core fundamentals I was missing at my original school and helped me become a confident learner. During the past two summers, I have gone back to Charles Amstrong as a teacher assistant myself, where I
From first to fourth grade, I attended the leading school in California for dyslexic students, Charles Armstrong. This school taught me the core fundamentals I was missing at my original school and helped me become a confident learner. During the past two summers, I have gone back to Charles Amstrong as a teacher assistant myself, where I have honed in on my own way to tutor these students. My focus was on assisting them with math and reading. More importantly, I built these students’ confidence. Having experienced the label of being different myself, I aspire to be a positive role model for children with dyslexia and ADHD. Dyslexia is a superpower and we help our kids understand that.
BCS and Castilleja
Charles Armstrong school
Charles Armstrong school
After attending Charles Armstrong, I reintegrated into my previous school because I had caught up to my grade level. I attended Bullis Charter School, one of the most rigorous elementary schools in Silicon Valley, for two years before attending Castilleja, one of the best private schools in the country: Niche Rating. I have felt well prep
After attending Charles Armstrong, I reintegrated into my previous school because I had caught up to my grade level. I attended Bullis Charter School, one of the most rigorous elementary schools in Silicon Valley, for two years before attending Castilleja, one of the best private schools in the country: Niche Rating. I have felt well prepared to take on more challenges than most of my peers because of the assistance I received and the confidence I gained early in my childhood.
Menlo high school
Charles Armstrong school
Menlo high school
After Castilleja, I entered high school at Menlo School, one of the top high schools in the country. At Menlo, I am active in building a learning differences club and I am conducting Honors research on the subject. I am also working with many students and teachers at Menlo to create a community to improve communication between teachers an
After Castilleja, I entered high school at Menlo School, one of the top high schools in the country. At Menlo, I am active in building a learning differences club and I am conducting Honors research on the subject. I am also working with many students and teachers at Menlo to create a community to improve communication between teachers and students surrounding learning differences. My journey through different schools has provided me with diverse learning experiences and affords me the opportunity to now become a role model for younger students who may be facing similar challenges as my own. I'm particularly grateful for my time at Charles Armstrong, where they recognized dyslexia as a gift. In fact, a recent study showed that a higher index of successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are dyslexic because of their unique ideas and way of approaching tough problems.
Contact us
Accepting applications now for the summer!!
Every student has unique needs for support. We are able to meet in person or online, but we do recommend in person sessions because students are able to focus more and visualize the lessons more clearly.
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